I know it's been a while and I do try my best to post as often as possible. Things have been mad at work. I've been working on the World Premier of Ghost the Musical. It finishes this week so a lot more time will be spent on my projects.
Speaking of projects... I have decided to put Factory Dogs on hold while I wait for sponsorship. I want factory Dogs to be the best quality possible and that mean waiting for the sponsorship to do it justice.
But have no fear!!! In the meantime I will be working on a smaller project based more on comedy value than detail. This being Stop-Motion Zombies.
It will be very different to anything I have done. Working with full armatures and silicone to speed animation up. Also it keeps me up to speed with animating full puppets with Armatures. My end goal is to animate for a company, so the more experience animating in there techniques the better chance I have.
So please keep following my work by checking out my new blog http://www.stopmotionzombies.blogspot.com
Take care and keep animating
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone